Explaining why America must make Barack Obama a one-term president.
[Ryan: I spied this goodie on the web! Travis] THE BARACK-COLI PLAGUE (Some definitions from A Kansas Patriot) (1) Barack-coli: a veggie the first George Bush hated - or a lowdown bacterium that has become a national plague. (2) Mecca wafers: Barack's favorite candy. (3) White House fence: a well-known border fence not high enough to keep out criminals and anyone who's illegal. (4) Nancy Pelosi: BO-toxic. (For more on BO, Google or MSN "The Background Obama Can't Cover Up," "The Anti-Chick-fil-A Jihad" and "Jewish Codes Behind the DC Shooting.")
[Ryan: I spied this goodie on the web! Travis]
(Some definitions from A Kansas Patriot)
(1) Barack-coli: a veggie the first George Bush hated - or a lowdown bacterium that has become a national plague.
(2) Mecca wafers: Barack's favorite candy.
(3) White House fence: a well-known border fence not high enough to keep out criminals and anyone who's illegal.
(4) Nancy Pelosi: BO-toxic.
(For more on BO, Google or MSN "The Background Obama Can't Cover Up," "The Anti-Chick-fil-A Jihad"
and "Jewish Codes Behind the DC Shooting.")